Its hot!
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
How's everyone holding up in these last few days of warm weather. I personally have found it draining. I'd consider myself very sun-aware, Factor 50 all the way as well as hats and plenty of water.
I think it was my time in Australia that opened my eyes to how brutal the sun can be. Beautiful but punishing if out for too long in it underprepared.
So. This is not complicated, but I will outline what is important to consider, and please note, this is just my opinion. I am by no means formally qualified to give advice.
- SPF Factor 50. I like the ASDA Protect Spray on for easy application.
- WATER. If you know me you'll know I'm an acquaholic! I try my best to drink plenty of water each day (2 to 3 liters) rain, hail, or shine. I also mention to my clients the importance of it after a massage. It flushes out our system and plenty of toxins have been released from our muscles
- Hat and shade. Keep that head covered and spend some time in the shade. It really will make such a difference to being able to be outside.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and stay cool.
Warm (literally) Regards